Based on MDE guidance, the transportation scenarios for school this fall could pose some of the biggest challenges for districts. Representatives from the Minnesota Association of Pupil Transportation (MAPT), along with several Business Managers, will share their plans, considerations and questions for the fall transportation scenarios.
Andre Prahl from MDE starts off the session with a short presentation on CARES funding, and then the session opens up for questions and conversation about this topic, and other topics of interest.
Minnesota Statutes establish the requirements for a local educational agency (LEA) to receive funds for special education out-of-state student placements. This overview highlights which students are eligible and how MARSS enrollment data is used. You will learn when to record expenditures in the Special Education Data Reporting Application (SEDRA) and how to submit an application.
Now that we’ve had a few months of virtual work under our belts, learn tips to help you get more comfortable and effective using the technologies, and help others to do the same.
The reporting of your special education costs in SEDRA and UFARS must be reconciled at year's end. If these costs are not reconciled, it can create issues with your special education state aid and tuition billing expenses and revenues. This session highlights what to look for in your reconciliation and how to correct issues should they arise.