Changes in the COVID-19 requirements are continuing to impact public schools. As we navigate into a second year of COVID-19, there continues to be reactive response requirements for businesses and schools. This presentation will cover the current pandemic focuses impacting the operation of school districts and identify guidance on how to plan and navigate.
In this session, presenters from MDE will provide guidance and information regarding reporting for summer/extended time programs:
Deb Meier will review UFARS Reporting; Marilynn Loehr will discuss MARSS student reporting for state-approved alternative programs (SAAPs); and Mary Barrie will cover other summer program student reporting (non-SAAP).
Keeping track of the CARES fund buckets can seem overwhelming, and in this session Kathryn will share how she is explaining the buckets to her School Board. To help newer MASBO members manage the funds in their districts, she will be joined by a group of other Business Managers who will share the basics of how they are doing internal tracking and coding, determining what documentation to keep, and preparing for the November 13 deadline.
Based on MDE guidance, the transportation scenarios for school this fall could pose some of the biggest challenges for districts. Representatives from the Minnesota Association of Pupil Transportation (MAPT), along with several Business Managers, will share their plans, considerations and questions for the fall transportation scenarios.
Andre Prahl from MDE starts off the session with a short presentation on CARES funding, and then the session opens up for questions and conversation about this topic, and other topics of interest.